Monday, 8 November 2010


I spent the day hiding from London's rain and cold in my flat. It's VERY cruddy outside.

What to do. What to do. Watch Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill of course!! CW shows are like soap operas to me. With Gossip Girl, I can tune in the first season, not really watch the second and third and very much enjoy the fourth.

I marinated the chicken in honey,soy sauce, sesame oil, minced garlic, and siracha.
Mixed whole wheat pasta with leftover potatoes, asparagus, mushrooms, and onions sauteed in Dijon mustard, sweet chili sauce, and lemon juice. Weird combination but it worked.

Our trip for home has been booked for next year!
My friend is getting married in May and my brother's law school graduation happens to coincide in the same month. So excited to be fortunate enough to attend such huge milestones. I also received a $250 United Airlines voucher (since they were a pain in the bootay during a recent trip) so we're thinking of booking an additional trip to Texas.

Hot diggity dog! All of my favorite things: Football, country music, cowboys, and bbq! Oh yeaaa....

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