Saturday, 10 September 2011

Spice Island takeaway

Yesterday's workout was pretty intense so I found myself making one change. Here's the original workout: I did 5 sets
1.) Burpees- as many as you can for 30 seconds
2.) V-sits- as many as you can for 30 seconds
3.) Mountain climbers- continuously for 30 (get in push up position and alternate bringing left knee to right elbow and right knee to left elbow- try and go as fast as you can)
4.) Jumping Jacks - continuously for 30 seconds
5.) Plank- start in a plank position on hands, then alternate by going down on elbows and back to hands- 30 seconds
6.) Squat jumps- as many as you can in 30 seconds
After the 3rd set, my legs were tired from the squat jumps so I found it harder to do V sits so for the 4th and 5th set, I did oblique twists with a dumbbell. I was only planning on doing 3 sets but I felt that with a couple minutes of rest in between sets, I could handle two more sets. I've found that loud music and inner dialogue helps. Like always, I kept telling myself that "change is uncomfortable!!" and boy, was I super schweaty by the end!

COM POW! aka combination of kale and bok choy
I swear this is my last time eating this for a while! I don't recommend eating one thing too often, because if you're like me, you'll get sick of it real quick!
Tiger Tiger comes with noodles and sauce so it makes for a really simple meal.

Yay! We're monthly wine club members again! We're going to try and sample one bottle a week.
Indian takeaway from Spice Island
We ordered a TON of food. I thought everything tasted pretty good but Tarek wasn't a huge fan. In his words, "I wouldn't order it again" Boooo! He still hasn't found a tikka masala that has a nice balance of sweet and spicy. They've only been overly sweet, which I prefer.
We had everything from coconut rice, to curries, and lamb biriyani.

After dinner, T played his game while I watched New York, I Love You. Aside from the all-star cast, I'm not sure how I felt about the movie.

Agenda: We're joining another pub crawl this afternoon and then its dinner at a "part time" restaurant in Chapel Market- wee hoo!