Sunday, 1 April 2012

I love you Gabe!

Our delicious cake from Luscious Layers
pistachio on top and strawberries filling with champagne cake on the bottom
My brother seriously thought at first that the car ride did damage to the cake and the giraffe happened to get  a piece of tree in his mouth! We later realized on both sides that the giraffe was eating the tree on purpose- totally cute!!
My mom worked so hard making sure the place was so clean before everyone showed up, AND she helped clean up afterwards as if the party never even happened (minus all the blue and white balloons EVERYWHERE!). A huge thank you to her!
Some signed and others I had to stalk down to make sure they signed before leaving :)
my childhood besties!
Thanks G for telling me you were enjoying the party by grooving on and off most of the day in my belly!! :-)

I felt bad waiting til people left before opening gifts, one was because people were still talking and having a good time so I don't want all the attention to be focused on me and two, well that's just it I guess! The gifts were so generous and lovely though.

No words can really express how grateful I feel for the support I've received from my friends family. Thanks for traveling so far to come celebrate in such a momentous occasion for us. Gabriel is so lucky to have such awesome aunties!!
Relaxing, it's what we do best!