Thursday, 21 October 2010

Is it too early for Christmas music?!

Snack yesterday:
Melba toasts w. laughing cow cheese and some red grapes. I need some better crackers to eat my cheese with cuz these flavorless cardboard like crackers just aren't cutting it!
Seeing that girl on this page reminds me of a time where I used to rip out pages of Victoria Secret models for motivation to get my butt in the gym! :)
Yesterday's reading/study material. I'm trying to do as much research on exercises and different muscle groups before my PT program starts so I don't feel like a complete fish out of water.

Breakfast this morning:
Some more of the same. Wholewheat toast with a fried egg and flaxseed on top. Bananer and crunchy pb.

I heard a snippit of Christmas music online this morning and I got a little too excited. Nothing gives me the warm fuzzies more than this album!!

I must be crazy. It's not even November yet!!

Song of the day: Jamiroquai "Just dance"

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