Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Is it lunchtime already!?

I feel like I just ate breakfast, looked up and it was almost 1 p.m!! Thank goodness for the rumbling in my tummy as it reminded me to have lunch. I believe in eating three meals a day and snacking in between those times.

For lunch I decided to have:

Now I honestly have no idea where my interest for vegetarian sausages came from but I've been trying a lot of meatless products for lunch lately. I've been on a Linda McCartney kick for the past two days. These sausages are delicious! Granted, they aren't mouth drool good like the chicago dogs I'm used to but it's a  healthy substitute.  
In addition, I ate: 

Spinach makes Hanna a happy and healthy girl.

Did I tell you how much I heart Siracha?!

Looks like a bloody mess but I swear it tasted great...

Gotta take the above rascal otherwise known as my puppy Sonoma to the park! Woof..

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